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公共寫作|Media Articles
(A Mixture of Chinese and English)
“Flair Donglai Shi’s Reading List This Year 施东来年度书单”, Distant Reading (Chinese Department, East China Normal University) 远读(华东师范大学中文系) (2025), yearly book review collection. (Solicited by Prof. Luo Meng)
“On African Marvellous Realism in Shanghai 从《非凡现实主义》到二十一世纪的乌班图”, Fotografiska (2024), exhibition commentary. (Solicited by gallery)
“The Same-sex Marriage that Remains Unattainable: Thoughts on the Entanglements of 'Left' and 'Right' in Contemporary Discursive Fields across the Taiwan Strait 無法達成的同志婚姻: 關於當代兩岸思想輿論場中 「左」「右」糾葛的思考”, Reflexion (思想), no. 49 (2024): 253-261. (Solicited by guest editor)
“The Minoritization of a Transnational Superstar” Sixth Tone (2023): online, Chinese version 中文版 published by Pengpai.
“Taking Heart in Tradition” China Daily (2022): interviewed by journalist Jiang Chenglong.
“Documenting Life inside a 'China-Africa Factory': Interview with Director Zhang Yong” Sixth Tone (2022): online, Chinese version 中文版 published by Pengpai.
“A ‘Yellow Miracle’: How a Sprinter Became a Racial Icon” Sixth Tone (2021): invited by editor, republished on positions: web.
“Between Sinophobia and Sinocentrism” positions: episteme 6 (2021): special issue organised by Andy Wang.
“The Position and Resonance of 'Wen' in Yinguang's An Odyssey “文”的定位与共鸣:吟光《上山》的时代精神”, Southern Art China (中国南方艺术) (2021), online book commentary. (Solicited by author)
“Dire yet Diverse: Desperate Diaspora in Jenny Lu’s The Receptionist (2016)” University of Westminster, the Contemporary China Centre Blog (2020): invited blog piece on Chinese British culture. Republished in Cultural China 2020, University of Westminster Press 2021, 72-76.
“Precarity and Prejudice” Cherwell (Oxford Student Paper) (2021): online commentary on racism during the pandemic.
“Post-colonialism Backfires: Be Proud of My Chinese Name Please?” Common Ground (2019): invited opinion piece.
“Of Course the Gay Has to Die: Why the Liberal White Audience Doesn't Get The Wound (2017)”, New Bloom (2018): online cultural commentary/film review. Republished by Race and Resistance Network at TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities).
“The Translational Strategies of Legend of the Condor Heroes 《射雕英雄传》的翻译策略”, 文学报Wenxuebao (2018 May): invited online feature.
“Jin Xing: Paradoxes of Queerness in Global China Today” Queer Studies Network at TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities) (2018, Mar): online opinion piece.
“Self-Racism of the Chinese? Contextualizing Chinese Burn” Race and Resistance Network at TORCH (The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities) (2017, Dec): invited opinion piece. Republished in Neehao Magazine. A podcast interview with Offended Asian Feminists was subsequently conducted based on this piece.
“How Far is World Literature? 我们离世界文学有多远” 单读 Dandu (2017 Jun): online. Republished by Sohu.
“Interview with Flair Donglai Shi” Conversation with Writers (2017 May): online. (Invited by project manager)
“An Overview of English Translations of Chinese Literature in 2016 二零一六年华语文学英译总结”, 文学报 Wenxuebao, Vol. 2585, Issue. II (2017): invited special front-page feature. Republished by 新华网Xinhuanet and 中国作家网ChinaWriters.
“On the Possibility of a New Pan-Asianism”, Contemporary Chinese Studies at University of Nottingham Ningbo China (regular contributor in 2014-2015).
"Strawberry Candy" (fiction), Banana Writers (2015): online.

@ My Short Story 'Strawberry Candy'
illustrated by artist Qin Chuichui 秦垂垂

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