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Flair Donglai SHI
常规 Regular: Public Seminar Series "Transnational and Situated" (2023-ongoing)

At SJTU, Flair hosts a regular public seminar series named "Transnational and Situated" which invites established academics and early career researchers to discuss different aspects of transnationalism from the interdisciplinary perspectives of comparative literature, film and media studies, history and cultural anthropology. Guests invited so far include David Der-wei Wang (Harvard), Elleke Boehmer (Oxford), Dai Jinhua (PKU), Haun Saussy (Chicago), Chris Berry (KCL), Ato Quayson (Stanford), etc. Please check out our public WeChat AccountFacebook, or Youtube Channel for more information.

预告 Upcoming in 2025*


*I welcome everyone to my talks even when they are hosted for special classes. Information about upcoming talks is usually released or reposted through the WeChat public account "Transnational and Situated" listed above. If not, please send an email to get the details and means of attending if you are interested. 


  • “Ethnic Chinese Cultures in Africa and the Status Quo of China-Africa Cultural Communication 非洲华人文化与中非文化交流现状”, Oxford China Forum, Oxford University, 15/March/2025 (online and in Chinese). [invited by organiser]

  • “Possessing/Embodying the Other: Race and Technology in Popular Cultural Texts", School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学, 20/March/2025. [BA guest lectures in English and Chinese 中英双语]



  • “Ethics and Theories of Race and Representation via Afro-Asian Visual Texts”, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 1-3/April/2025. [invited by class instructor Dr. Zou Li for the BA and MA shared course "Modern and Contemporary Theories"]

  • “The Role of Race in Contemporary China-Africa Cultural Production” and discussant for the documentary screening "He Knows His Place dir. Melissa Lefkowitz", Duke Kunshan University, 7/April/2025. [invited by Dr. Wang Yuan]

  • “Against the 'Racial Flow': Afro-Asian Transracialism and the Dialectics of Pleasure and Pain in Contemporary Visual Culture”, School of Education and English, University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 9/April/2025. [invited by Dr. Jiaye Wu]

  • “Against the 'Racial Flow': Afro-Asian Transracialism and the Dialectics of Pleasure and Pain in Contemporary Visual Culture 反‘种族流动’:亚非跨种想象与当代视觉文化中的痛/快辩证法”, Chinese Department, Shanghai Normal University 上海师范大学, 16/April/2025. [invited by Prof. Zhu Zhenwu]

  • “Imaginations of the Ya-Fei-La in Socialist Chinese Literatures”, Boston University, 17/April/2025. [invited by class instructor Qu Yang for the BA course "Masterpieces of Modern Chinese Literature"]

  • “‘Taiwanese/Chinese Food at Home’ Culinary Narratives in Taiwanese South  African Life Writing”,  The Second Annual Joint Conference of Africa and Middle East Studies in Taiwan: Taiwan in the Africa-China Moment-Hidden Histories and Futures, Academia Sinica with National Quemoy University, 23-26/April/2025. 


  • “‘Embodying Sino-Mauritian Relations in the World: Island Nationalism and Ethnic Pride in Marie Madeleine Lee’s Life Writing”, Chinese in Africa/Africans in China Research Network Conference and Symposium: Evolving Dynamics of Africa-China Relations and Re-imagining the Future, Lingnan University (Hong Kong), 15-16/May/2025. 

  • “Film as a Cultural Medium: The Technical Aspects”, School of Foreign Languages, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 22/May/2025. [invited by class instructor Dr. Bowen Wang for the BA course "Transmedia Literature"]

  • TBC 题目待定”, Fudan University 复旦大学, 29/May/2025 (in Chinese). [invited by Dr. Jodie Yuzhou Sun for BA course on African Histories]


  • Visiting Scholar at Heidelberg University, Germany, hosted by the Heidelberg Confucius Institute with the MA Transcultural Studies Program, two weeks (TBC). [invited by Dr. Petra Thiel and Lennart Riedel] 


  • "Toward a Bilingual Construction of Sino-Mauritian Identity: Island Nationalism and Ethnic Pride in Marie Madeleine Lee’s Life Writing", Stories of Migration International Conference, The University of Mauritius, 3-5/July/2025. [TBC]


  • "Between Techno-Blackness and Techno-Orientalism: Racial Flow between Asians and Africans in Contemporary Visual Culture", The Second Harare Forum for Africa: Rural Development Cooperation and China-Zimbabwe Civilisation Dialogue Academic Week, China-Zimbabwe Exchange Center in Harare, TBC/August/2025.

最近 Talks Recently Given


  • “Sinophone as Cultural Governance: Ethnic Chinese Culture in Singapore and Malaysia between ‘World Chinese Literature’ and Local ‘Minor Literature’(作为文化市场治理机制的“华夷风”:游走于世界华人文学与地方性“小文学”之间的当代新马华人文化)”, Nanyang Perspective, Chinese Experience and Literary Communication, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 上海交通大学, 22-23/Nov/2024 (in Chinese).

  • “Decolonising African Thought and Culture through Marvellous Realism”, Fotografiska with China-Africa Shanghai International Network (CASIN), Shanghai, 17/Nov/2024. [main organiser]

  • “Race and Diaspora in Chinese South African Life Writing”, Department of English, The University of Macau, 28/Aug/2024. [invited by Professor Jeremy de Chavez]

  • “On the Untranslatability of Blackness in Chinese, or the Inherent Translationality of Hei 黑”, Translation and Transcultural Studies Research Seminar Series, Warwick University, 21/Jun/2024. [invited by Dr. Jane Qian Liu]

  • “Worlding a British-Chinese Author: Xiaolu Guo’s Translational Boomerang and Transnational Awareness”, British-Chinese Writers and the Practice of World Literature, Warwick University, 18/Jun/2024. [main organiser]

  • “Agualusa’s African Writing and Literary Universe” with Jose Agualusa and Sun Ganlu, 2024 Shanghai International Literary Week, Sinan Books, 15/August/2024. (In Chinese and Portuguese 中葡双语) [invited as discussant by the publisher]

  • “‘Hope for the Nation’: A Critical Survey of Figures of Mixed Chinese and Black/African Heritage and their Racial Niche in Chinese Media”, Africa-China: Cultural Dimensions Symposium, Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique, 14-15/March/2024. [invited and fully sponsored by the Yale Council on African Studies and the Council on East Asian Studies]

  • “The Bottom-up Global South: Sino-African Interactions and Cultural Processes Among the People”, AAS 2024, Seattle, Washington, 14-17/Mar/2024 (online).

  • “Paralyzed Cosmopolitanism in Jia Zhangke’s The World (2004) 坍幻的《世界》主义”, The 14th Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art 上海当代艺术博物馆, 09/Mar/2024. [guided film appreciation talk invited by the curator, in Chinese]

  • “Seeing China from Africa” panel, 2023 “Answer” Conference hosted by Guan, Shanghai Youth Theatre, 20-21/January/2024. [invited by host]


From 2015 onwards I have given presentations and talks in a diverse range of universities and cultural institutions in different countries. For a full list, kindly send an email to request a CV.

Flair Donglai SHI
@ Radisson Blue Hotel in Maputo,
Mozambique for the Yale conference
@ Shanghai International Literary Week
上海国际文学周 with José Agualusa (Angola)

and Sun Ganlu 孙甘露,  中葡双语
@ Shanghai Museum of Contemporary Art
​上海当代艺术博物馆, A Talk about Jia Zhangke's The World, in Chinese 中文讲座
Flair Donglai SHI
@ Shanghai for the annual conference
hosted by Guan 观察者网
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